Friday, October 19, 2007

And another one finished!

I just finished reading book number 31 for my 50 book challenge about two minutes ago. It was "Power of a Woman" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. A great read for anyone who likes this genre. It was a fast read. I was actually supposed to be reading Tara Road and this one simultaneously, however, I found myself continuing to gravitate to "Power" more than "Tara Road", hence I finished it much quicker.

You know? Lately I have been drawn towards classics....I've pulled out several that I have in my stacks, but have not read yet. "Tom Jones", "Moby Dick" (which I am in the middle of) "Robinson Crusoe" which I completely forgot I even owned. A few Jane Austen's (ok, I have her complete works in one HUGE volume) "Wuthering Heights" "Portrait of a Lady", and some others as well which I don't remember off the top of my head. I have always wanted to get more into the classics, however I have just always been more drawn to more contemporary reading styles. I have a few more I want to buy, which are on my to buy list: "Don Quixote," "Picture of Dorian Gray" I just want to get more into the many oldies but goodies that are out there. I want to read those who took a stand and wrote first to pave the way for many of the writers today.

Anyway. Enough said. I mostly wanted to write about finishing "Power of a Woman." I will write a proper review later,right now I am off to hang out with Tom Jones.